“陽光製造者”是由科斯莫·菲爾丁 - 梅倫執導的2015年英國紀錄片,由奧馬爾·法耶德製作。這是關於20世紀60年代反主流文化中的核心人物尼古拉斯·桑和蒂姆·斯卡利。它於2015年11月16日在Doc NYC首播。

A real-life ‘Breaking Bad’ for the psychedelic set, THE SUNSHINE MAKERS reveals the fascinating, untold story of Nicholas Sand and Tim Scully, the unlikely duo at the heart of 1960s American drug counter-culture. United in a utopian mission to save the planet through the consciousness-raising power of LSD, these underground chemists manufactured a massive amount of acid, includ...
